March 13th was a very special day for our little family. We celebrated Alejo's birthday, as well as Gabriel's "half-birthday". He turned 0.5 year old. They shared the party, but not the cake, as Gabriel had his first little cake (that we ate "for him") for the occasion. We laughed over the logistics of putting half a candle on it ... Alejo and I celebrated by going out on our first date in the past 6 months, with my Mom generously offering to babysit while Gabriel was sleeping. She was allowed to watch a movie and to invite one friend over, provided we could meet him first ;). We went to a show by Les Cowboys Fringants and had a great time. I do like their music, but under the circomstances I have to admit I would've been excited to go see just about any show (Carmen Campagne, Michel Louvain, Les ptits Simards chantent une annonce de yogourt, n'importe quoi!). We had friends over on Saturday and went to the Sugarbush on Sunday to complete this 3-day celebration (
see pictures).

Gabriel also celebrated his 6-months-birthday with his first taste of barley cereal. Much like brown rice cereal (and more recently oatmeal cereal and snowpeas), I can't say that it was love at first "taste". Depending on the day, so far Gabriel has been more or less enthousiastic about eating solid food. Chewing on the empty spoon has been a much bigger hit. As a matter of fact, tasting the curtains, Mommy's shoulder or the books she's reading has had a much greater success so far. He is fascinated by the taste of objects and clothes, with dirty towels and my black nursing tank top being his absolute favorites... Oh well, he'll eat solids when he's ready and I'll be happy to provide an "unlimited supply" of breast milk in the meantime (something that has become harder when there is too much entertainment around, in which case he'll try to get up and take a mental picture of his surroundings between every sip, just to make sure he's not missing anything). In the same theme, making the effort of trying to entertain him with "educational toys" still seems pretty useless, since he's still far more captivated by the labels on the toy than by the actual toy itself and can chew on them endlessly. I guess I'll later miss and recall these days as "the time when he was so easily entertained"!
Ok, back to eating. Have to run to prepare today's menu: sweet potatoes. With a new flavour added every 3 days, meal time never gets boring. See our collections of best pics from
Gabriel's 5th month and his first meals in
pictures or
Take care,
Lys xx
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